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About CAPAL25

The Fabric of Librarianship: A Patchwork of Experience

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The Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians invites you to join us at our annual conference, CAPAL25, which will be held on the St. James Campus of George Brown College (GBC) in Toronto, Ontario on June 2nd-3rd, 2025. The conference will take place in conjunction with the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Congress 2025, and is an opportunity for academic librarians and allied professionals to meet in-person, share their research and scholarship, and build relationships with colleagues.


The theme for CAPAL25 is The Fabric of Librarianship: A Patchwork of Experience

Academic librarians draw upon a diverse array of past experiences. Many of us have worked in public or special libraries or completed graduate work or perhaps even taught in academic disciplines outside of library and information sciences. We bring those experiences to our work as academic librarians, and those experiences inform our academic research.

  • Community experiences: How do the communities and spaces in which we live inform our work? How does the presence of our families and neighbours inspire us as academic librarians? How do our hobbies and play transform our work?

  • Research experiences: How are our experiences as researchers informed by our backgrounds?  Does our research involve storytelling to highlight the human connections forged with our communities? Can librarians create research methodologies centred upon the library and our users as our milieu?

  • Work experiences: How have our experiences as academic librarians been shaped by other library types or academic worlds? How does the diversity of skills, perspectives, and roles that academic librarians fulfill piece together into the quilt of our professional community?

  • Lived experiences: How do our identities and life stories manifest to accomplish our goals? Do we reach within ourselves or extend outwards to meet the needs and challenges of our profession?

For any questions, please email

Planning Committee:


  • Julie Morris

  • Nathan Wolfe

Program Chair

  • Julie Morris

Program Subcommittee members

  • Jennie Fallis

  • Tina Liu

Logistics Coordinator/Local Arrangements

  • Yeliz Baloglu Cengay

Budget Officer

  • Kyle Feenstra

Communications Officer

  • Nathan Wolfe